(251kb)Corrigendum: extension of last date of bid submission for RFP for Tender notice for selection of event managment agency for celebration of 556th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(8610kb)Prebid Meeting for selection of event managment agency for celebration of 556th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(31kb)Tender notice for selection of event managment agency for celebration of 556th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(65kb)Corrigendum:Extension of last date of bid submission of RFP
(904kb)Invitation of tender for selection of an agency for conducting study for National Commission for Minorities-regarding.
(317Kb)Replies to queries raised in Pre-bid meeting held on 7.8.2024.(Bid No. GEM/2024/B/5231814)
(163Kb)Corrigendum on Tender for engagement of Media/ Social Media agency for managing the PR Work and the Social Media activities-regarding.
(48Kb)Extension of last date of bid submission of RFP
(384Kb)Prebid:Invitation of Tender for engagement of Media/ Social Media agency for managing the PR Work and the Social Media activities-regarding. Prebid meeting will be held on 7 Aug 2024 from 4PM to 5PM.
(272Kb)English(203Kb)Hindi. Invitation of Tender for engagement of Media/ Social Media agency for managing the PR Work and the Social Media activities-regarding.
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